So Called Judges & Corruption

So called Judges and Commissioners are corrupt and work with attorneys that only want to drive up costs on wealthy, conservative men of all ethnicities.  I’m a protected class and they treat me like a criminal.  This is not my impression it was stated in open court due to my ethnicity, my job and my income.  These so called Judge’s and Commissioners’ are at the bottom of their profession.  They lack income, they are jealous, they ran for office because their practices are failing to produce income and these morons become in control of our families.  Below is a list of the criminals that are in our courts and create indentured servitude, parental alienation and the circus that has become our justice system.

Note:  Different ethnicities blame Police Officers but its the Judicial System that hates minorities, despises people that have more then they do and are active socialists.  Our community deserves better.

Criminal #1 Judge Richard Eadie

Judge Eadie was kicked of the court…ohh sorry…forced to retire at the end of 2016 because so many of his Judgements were overturned by a higher court.  Now this moron is a Commissioner because he cannot help to benefit from the kickbacks and power.

Criminal #2 Judge Susan Craighead

Susan wins the hands down argument for the dumbest Judge in King County.  She is dangerous, she hates men, minority men and is an overall is an old woman that practices Misandry and discrimination.

Ciminal #3 Commissioner Leonid Ponomarchuk

This criminal Commissioner believes he is the most important man in Washington State. Being such and insignificant person he does everything to attempt to NOT adhere to Washington Law but make his own law.  This man is a dangerous and incompetent fraud.