Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation is a subject that seems to illicit shame. It’s not shameful its the result of a Family Court system around the country that is completely broken. Unfortunately its inexplicably linked from marriage being a commitment in from of God to the couple and family becoming property of the court.

My experience has been in socialist Washington State where so-called Judges and so-called Commissioners have the ability to make whatever law and ignore any set laws or governing standards whatsoever. I have sat in the court room over thirty times watching men of all races and origins being forced to pay for their children’s’ college whilst the woman contributes nothing even though the law clearly states that after the children are 18 and out of high school obligations stop. We all want to support our children but I have watched while many men and sometimes women are forced to live with their families, forced to sell their businesses, declare bankruptcy and contribute almost their entire paycheck after taxes to child support and alimony. The mental and physical hardships that result are unavoidable and is the direct result of inept Judges, fraud and exchanging of favors and money amongst Judges, attorneys, forensic accountants and so-called therapy asylums. These asylums are where men are ordered to go until they admit to being an Alpha Male, strong Father and admit that they made their spouse a victim.

This is where parental alienation begins for all origins, races and genders.

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