Men’s Playbook for Success

This Playbook is for men that have been pillars in their communities only to be falsely and gratuitously vilified by their spouses.  Our mission is to feature Alphamales’ and Women’s experiences.

Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation is a subject that seems to illicit shame. It’s not shameful its the result of a Family Court system around the country that is completely broken. Unfortunately its inexplicably linked from marriage being a commitment in from of God to the couple and family becoming property of the court.

My experience has been in socialist Washington State where so-called Judges and so-called Commissioners have the ability to make whatever law and ignore any set laws or governing standards whatsoever. I have sat in the court room over thirty times watching men of all races and origins being forced to pay for their children’s’ college whilst the woman contributes nothing even though the law clearly states that after the children are 18 and out of high school obligations stop. We all want to support our children but I have watched while many men and sometimes women are forced to live with their families, forced to sell their businesses, declare bankruptcy and contribute almost their entire paycheck after taxes to child support and alimony. The mental and physical hardships that result are unavoidable and is the direct result of inept Judges, fraud and exchanging of favors and money amongst Judges, attorneys, forensic accountants and so-called therapy asylums. These asylums are where men are ordered to go until they admit to being an Alpha Male, strong Father and admit that they made their spouse a victim.

This is where parental alienation begins for all origins, races and genders.

Stay at Home Mom Syndrome (SAHM)

Jennie’s Public Filing for Divorce. A total disgrace for those that love marriage. Jennie is the fake Christian wife and Alpha is the Dad and Husband.

Alpha is asking for 50/50 custody of my two kids.  I have been the full-time, stay at home mom since January 1998.  I am passionate about that role and Alpha’s followed his passion….a notable  career.  I accepted his wishes with three following relocations:

Alpha response: “That’s funny Jennie I thought they were are kids, yet, I’m the narcissist..classic. What Jennie hasn’t told you is that she put in 40 pounds at only 25 pounding Super Sized Big Macs. She was secretly getting ready to ditch her Therapy job and stay home.”

Jennie: “Alpha has always traveled a significant amount of time in his careers.  He had a 9 month executive consulting job designing the iPhone in Atlanta while the kids (ages 1 and 4) and I lived in Michigan.  I now know of at least one episode of infidelity during this time.”

Alpha: “Apparently making 250k at 29 and living in a 4,000 sq. ft. home is not enough for Jennie”

Jennie: In the past decade, I had many red flags that Alpha was having affairs while he traveled on business, but I choose to trust him and when I confronted him he convinced me of his loyalty. We are a Christian couple who attend weekly church services, participate in Bible study, pray daily as a family and use Biblical principals to guide our parenting and relationship decisions.  Absolutely, no relationships for either of us were permitted outside of our marriage and he obviously broke the 7th commandment and committed adultery.

Alpha: “This is hilarious as I was the only one in the relationship that did not sleep with others. Celebrating New Year’s 2013 Jennie and I met a family at Disney and shared some drinks. As the Dad took four kids to their room Jennie invited a very pretty Asian woman to our room. Soon she was in between her legs eating her ravagely as I sat stunned and the Asians 8 year old knocked on our door asking for “Mommie.” Nice vacation with my wife right…not an Alpha Males style. I wanted fidelity but Jennie the Church-Lady is a sacred and her list to eat woman was not a one time occurrence and who knows what she did on girls trips.”

Jennie: “He has put me at a risk for STDs. I have evidence that he had sexual relationships with women who are strippers.”

Alpha: “This is hilarious considering Jennies propensity to lick other women clean, yet, men always get blamed with strippers but I guess Jennie has forgot the sexual dances at Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas.”

Jennie: “I have evidence after I stole Alphas phone that the kids were using for Internet access and that he has spent our money on a ring for her as well as romantic trips/ dinners/ Tiger ballgames/ flowers and taking her children out to dinner.”

Alpha: “Well Jennie we were separated and agreed to date others but for our audience Jennie brought the emails to our Pastor and asked him to hide material assets and money and they did…the Church.”

Alpha is a fun dad.  He loves to grill or smoke meats on the weekends to feed his family.  He plays baseball in the backyard and will take on the occasional class projects with our kids, if I request.  He enjoys helping to coach baseball and softball for our kids’ teams.  However, he has never taken the kids’ temperature for a fever, signed a permission slip, attended a field trip, cleaned up our kids’ vomit, attended a well child pediatrician appointment, registered a child for a sport, washed a baseball uniform (let alone a load of laundry) or made a lunch for either of our kids.  Our kids attend a Christian school that has no bussing.  I have dropped off and picked up our kids greater than 99% of the time over the past 4 years.  Our school requires 22 hours of volunteer work for the school.  I stopped counting my volunteer hours.  He and I agreed to traditional parenting roles from the beginning. 

Alpha: “This is classic, women like Jennie don’t work, I was working 60 to 70 hours a week, commuting 2 hours a day in Seattle Traffic in time to make it to Tae Kwon Do classes or my daughters violin practices while paying for private school but Jennie has a problem taking the kids to school messing up her morning drinking to get hopefully sober by the time she had to pick them up. The kids always joked and bet candy on whether Jennie would be talking funny when they got home from baseball. Yet, the Dad cannot have done enough I would have paid a housekeeper to do all the supposed laundry and chores but wait ….we had a cleaner come weekly but the SAHM can and will never be happy.” Sadly, our children always told Jennie they thought I was the better parent and they were more connected to me and that’s what prompted our children’s alienation..that and a siccophant militant lesbian with many mental problems.” So

Jennie: “Now, that he is choosing to divorce me, Alpha suddenly wants a 50/50 custody situation. This would not be in the children’s best interest, especially in light of his immoral and unchristian behavior, evidence of dishonesty and history of putting his needs for sex, attention and fun above spending time with his kids. My sweet kids deserve better.  

Alpha: “Nothing would have been possible with the 400k I was making but according to the Jennies of the world traveling was just vacation and not work. Or Jennies four bottles of wine a day habit or all our family vacations about 9 weeks a year or concerts at Chateau Michele or VIP events with expensive food and drinks on the Ocean and with celebrities…not good enough for this poor stay at home Mom with no job 50 pounds overweight and unwilling to take care of herself.”

Do you have a “Jennie” problem?

Thankfully my “Jennie” problem was over thank you to Mr. Cooper but only after the fifth year of her $1500 per month alimony had ended…that’s a total pro “Jennie” move.

A “Jennie” will always act like the victim and even beg or cry while dropping off my kids at private school. Through the tears “Jennie” is collecting Venmo payments or cash whatever she can shake you down with 😁. What the parents don’t know is this same “Jennie’s” ex is paying 100% for tuition; $1,880 per month in child support and $1,500 in alimony, yet, a “Jennies” tears 😂 are pure bliss as she deposits her never earned cash like a squirrel preparing for autumn.

Abusive Women & Insights

1. I hadn’t truly met my ex until we separated. His mask finally came all the way off and the lies, obfuscation, and excuses ended because he didn’t care if I knew that the truth was he’d been manipulating me all along.

2. The person you married is not the same person you divorce.”

3. “The divorce was still really hard to deal with, but I wasn’t the complete mess I thought I’d be. No longer having expectations for each other allowed us to relax and let go so that we could be happy on our own terms, apart, rather than the tug-of-war it had become when we were still together. I don’t miss him. That’s what’s weird for me. We had great times when things were good, but I look back at them fondly instead of wishing we could still have that. I guess that means I’ve moved on, but I thought I’d pine a heck of a lot more than I ever have. I always have liked being on my own, though. I remember being dismayed by the thought that everything was going to change when we started dating because I had finally gotten to a place where I was happy as I was.”

Many married couples you were friends with while you were married will avoid you post-divorce because they don’t want a reminder of the problems in their own marriages. Learned that one from my marriage counselor pre-divorce. I didn’t believe her at first, but it turned out to be accurate.

No one knows what they are doing. We’re no better off as adults than children in knowing the correct path to take. People grow apart. People change. That doesn’t make anyone an enemy. And, please keep your children out of it. They deserve love, peace, and calmness through your turmoil. THEY ARE NOT WEAPONS TO HURT YOUR EX. If you weaponize them, you’ll regret it. That’s a promise.” 

Living your life aligned to a set of core values. One of mine was, and is, compassion for others. So, even though I could have very easily been angry, bitter, vindictive, etc. toward her for what she did (and I had no shortage of people, including her, telling me I had every right to be), I chose, instead, to forgive her and to be kind to the woman I still loved.”

Finally: “Divorce doesn’t mean you failed or the marriage was a mistake. I’m glad he was my husband, and now I’m glad he’s not my husband. Staying isn’t always winning and leaving isn’t always losing.”